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Monthly Horoscope for March 2025


It’s important to keep an eye on your spending and saving as there may have been a lot of cash flowing out lately. You need to recoup any losses, however many of you feel quite affluent at the moment while tending to continue being cautious. There is a surprise linked either to money, health, or someone in the family and those who are sensitive to the intangibles can experience a spiritual link or an epiphany which leaves you feeling uplifted. You feel very sympathetic and compassionate over the troubles of others, and it may be a challenging time for you. When it comes to work or your routine you continue to be very busy, whether you work or care for others, you achieve much in this phase and should feel proud of yourself. Talking and communicating with others is especially rewarding and leaves you in a better place; this also goes for getting out and about locally. It is wise to make sure that you get enough rest and relaxation, as well as practising mindfulness or meditation, to offset any challenges in your life at the moment; finding time to be at peace is beneficial health wise. Messages and conversations with younger family members keep you happy and smiling and much love flows to and fro between you; this can also apply to friendships and with others who are close. This month you tend to reminisce about the past and conversations you used to have; also you think of relatives or siblings and all that has taken place in these areas.