star signs star signs


Your Yearly Horoscope for 2025


You get on extremely well with any younger family members, their friendship is endearing, and you have much empathy with them if they do have any worries or troubles. There are a lot of good times and fun to be had this year, you may even travel with those you love and have a great holiday, it’s all part of the joy you are feeling. However it’s not all play and no work, as you occupation is very important (see my section on work and Daily Routine). There is a lot of compassion for an older family member, even a loss of some sort or a medical matter; for some of you, your partner has a problem with a family member, whatever the situation it causes you some angst and worry, but some healing calm conversation and advice can be helpful. You work hard in the service of others this year, and there is a creative element, but also you need to pay attention to your body, don’t ignore any unusual symptoms or a bout of depression, although Virgo’s generally take care of their health. From the 10th of June onwards Jupiter is moving through you zone of friendships and aims, (see my blog on the journey of Jupiter for further explanation) therefore you could make a new valuable friendship, or an old friend can be fortunate for you, also your hopes and objectives are within your reach. From late May until September Saturn brings caution in the area of shared finances, and there may be the odd sad occasion to attend, or there can be weighty matters to discuss in a relationship. Uranus moves on in early July until early November highlighting your career, public life, and status, (see my section on work and Daily Routine), appointments may be relevant at this time. Neptune changes sign in April until late October, so be careful money wise, don’t borrow or lend, also your psychic senses will be finely tuned, epiphanies could occur, or matters linked to a relationship become significant; life events are a possibility.

Love and Romance

You are feeling secure in your everyday life and work, it brings you whatever you require and gives meaning to your life. There can be the unexpected where love and attraction is concerned, but a fling has no substance, it is not a year for new exciting partners but changes are possible. With Saturn moving through your relationship sector along with Neptune a love can be perfect and commited or cause you angst, best to concentrate on other areas of your life. In January you feel secure, but there are challenges, in February a relationship is significant, it is an important month. March and April continue the accent on close relationships, there is love and understanding. A holiday relieves tension in July or August, and in October close family are in focus with happy interludes, something is achieved. There is the unexpected in November and in December deep feelings and a sense of optimism prevails, your mood is good. From the 15th December onwards you seek pleasure and fun and feel happy as the year closes.

Work and Daily Routine

Work brings feelings of self worth, and gives you the security you need financially and perhaps emotionally. This also applies to your daily routine, and there is a chance of the unexpected in the above areas. With Jupiter in your zone of career until June you can be torn between work and responsibilities at home, but there can be work opportunities for you, and for some it involves travel or working from home. Pluto now in your area of work and routine for many years can indicate beginnings and endings, or a sense of power in your working life, communications may be relevant. February has a positive vibe, even an opportunity, and you need to decide something in May. Your career goes well in July, you achieve a great deal, you are working hard in some capacity, changes work out well in the next 4 months. In some ways you have made a dream reality.