Monthly Horoscope for Cancer by Carol Elaine
star signs star signs


Monthly Horoscope for July 2024


It is a month for celebrations for most of you, and you feel happy in your own skin and on your home ground. You have a sense of commitment to family and friends and you are loved by those who matter to you. There is a strong focus on friendships in your working life and your life outdoors, and this month you tend to take the lead in friendships, there may even be the odd disagreement but nothing that is worth noting. Also you work hard to meet deadlines or to realise your objectives, hopes, and wishes, many of these centre around your career and outdoor life, some of you have had major changes that have forced you to look at life differently with a need to reinvent yourself, so it’s best to look to the future and live each day as it comes, a whole new vision is possible. Although your financial situation may have undergone changes, this month it is pleasing to you, enabling you to plan and do the things you desire, especially when it comes to your private life, it can involve any work you do behind the scenes, or treatment and help for a health issue, even guidance from a spiritual source, you have a cloak of protection around you and unseen assistance. Whatever you set your mind to this month results in you achieving a great deal, and a new Moon in your sign initiates a new successful phase in your life.