Monthly Horoscope for Cancer by Carol Elaine
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Monthly Horoscope for December 2024


Your work and the things you do on a daily basis have the effect of raising your spirits when problems or a sadness have been on your mind. You are optimistic in the above areas and work diligently in some capacity, many of you work from home, and this month your earnings go towards treating those you love, however at times you worry about someone close, or feel a sense of loss, or that something is missing from your life. Conversations tend to take place at work and in your daily round, difficult matters are discussed with your partner or others you interact with, also sensitive or health issues can be topic, however a sense of optimism and a caring attitude works wonders, don’t forget that Jupiter is protecting you. For many of you, distant locations are on your mind and the limitations that you are experiencing, perhaps your work has an element of far off places, but don’t fret, when Saturn leaves this area things will improve. At the moment your partner or someone else who is close is your meaning to life. A great link between Venus and Uranus shows there is a lot of love for you from your partner or friends, you gel magnificently, and make the month into something special, money can also make you smile. As the month progresses there is much love coming your way, and your intuition and psychic senses can definitely be trusted, inwardly you know your heart.