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Your Yearly Horoscope for 2025


Your home and family are ultra important this year, and something is working out well, it puts a smile on your face. A family member brings the joy factor to your life, and you are sensitive and compassionate with those you love. At times you can feel downhearted about problems or difficult news in your everyday life, you could experience a feeling of loss, but mainly you are optimistic and can rise above negative emotions. There is actually a lot of fun to be had with the possibility of the surprising, money assures you of the things that bring happiness, shared resources are looking good. You pour a lot of energy and thought into your objectives and your friendships, but some matters and others have to be considered, especially if you have children, there can be an obstacle to navigate around, the way forwards is to be creative and answers will come to you. As far as travel is concerned you may be torn in two ways, responsibilities in your daily life or work are concerning factors, if you study it is a phase of achievement through hard work. From April for most of the year you can make a dream reality, you are on a roll, and from June onwards Jupiter is in your zone of career and public life, for further explanation (see my blog on the journey of Jupiter). In the months up to late May Saturn can indicate a bleak spell linked to work or your daily life, but you should achieve a lot, in late May Saturn moves on the your sector of close relationships and interactions with others, (see my section on love and romance), in September it retreats back, again affecting your work and routine, take care of your health this year, especially joints and teeth. From July until early November there is a chance of travel and some happy times, if you study you are on fire with your brilliance. Pluto shows important changes related to earnings and security which can affect a younger family member, but makes you powerfully creative.

Love and Romance

There is a lot of planning this year when it comes to your objectives and hopes, you and your partner or others you are close to take and give advice, but one aim you have comes up against an obstacle and change can affect your life. It tends to be a year of romance and good times with the likelihood of the unexpected in your daily life or work, take care of your health and keep your feet on the ground. You are the recipient of much love from your partner and others in February, and it is reciprocated, in March you are backtracking but the theme of love continues, and for a few months you work together to make a dream reality. Venus harmonises partnerships in May and you feel commited, in early June the picture is the same with the unexpected, there is a lot of love for you at this time. October shows you in your best light, similar to the Phoenix, and in December your partner or others you are close to, work together to make this a great month.

Work and Daily Routine

Your work has to satisfy you emotionally, and there is often a caring aspect to your occupation, however Saturn is moving through this zone until late May, and then from September onwards, therefore you may be working from home or feel a bit trapped in your job, best to just get on with it, you will achieve much and reap the rewards. Some of you have priorities at home, and with Neptune also in this area, a set routine is not really your bag. From January until mid April your career and outdoor life is extremely busy, you get a lot done, February is significant where work and routine are concerned, you feel happy and commited in April. Jupiter moves into your zone of career on 10th June for a year, (see my blog on Jupiter), hard work triumphs. In July there are mixed emotions, while August is satisfying, but you can feel restricted. Your feet hardly touch the ground in September, and in November a lot is achieved, income is rewarding. You are flying high in the last three months of the year.