This month reflects all that is happening in your close relationships and in your interactions with others. There is a lot to talk over, especially about changes that have taken place in certain areas of your life, these changes could be related to your work, to your health, or some kind of loss, but you are optimistic and have plenty of distractions this month, however at times you ask yourself ‘why’, so it’s important to count your blessings. There is a great deal of communicating going on, you talk to your partner and your friends about your plans, objectives, wishes, and any obstacles you can visualise about the road ahead, along with changes that have affected you, also there can be a feeling of treading old ground. A full Moon in your sign signifies either a completion or the ending to a phase in your life enabling you to move forwards. There is a lot of love coming your way at this time, especially in your private life from those you are close to, and you are happy about the abundance that enables you to treat the ones you love, whatever your circumstances you make this month special for loved ones. Most of the month is about the people you are closest to, and the things you love to do, there are surprises and happy occasions, and for some of you travel is calling, also any beliefs you have bring comfort.