star signs star signs


Monthly Horoscope for September 2024


It can be a case of travel versus family responsibilities, or studies that require a great deal of concentration and application. Some of you have to travel for work, therefore there is much soul searching with plenty of conversations and communications. There is an accent on all you feel deeply about, the important matters in your life, such as your financial situation, your family, a relationship, or your work, also your ability to be creative, in one of these areas there is a surprise. You have a great sense of security in your working or daily life which is extremely busy, as the month progresses you achieve a great deal this can be a in tandem with your partner or others. You and your partner or someone else who is close tend to be very busy on your home ground, you are likely to be the front runner in charge of activities and can be a bit of a control freak, but maybe tone it down as there can be altercations, allow them some say in the proceedings. You are feeling a great sense of security when it comes to friendships, also your aims, hopes, and financial situation, in your working or private life there is much to be joyful about which is obvious as the month progresses. Towards the end of the month there is an obstacle or desire for change as Venus lights up your sector of friendships and goals, in general you get on well with your friends, but an objective may have to be abandoned or delayed.