Your Yearly Horoscope for 2025
There is a lot going on in your working life and in your daily routine this year, for further explanation see my section on work and routine. There are also happenings in close relationships and romance, so refer to my section on love and romance. In the area of friendships there may be the loss of someone who makes you feel secure, or a friend could have problems which are emotive, therefore a listening ear on your part can be helpful, also there is a possibility that you will have to attend a sad occasion. Keep a watchful eye on your finances, be cautious in your transactions, and don’t send money to someone you have never met, over optimism is likely to be your downfall, however getting on with something creative is a saving grace, it can be very therapeutic. There are some deep and important changes this year, but you have the energy and wherewithal to cope with any turn of events, these changes can be very positive, thereby enriching your life, family is significant in this scenario. As the year progresses a fortunate meeting of Saturn and Neptune enable you to make a dream reality, there can be travel, study, or publishing, with much that is uplifting and positive. Uranus changes sign in early July until early November, therefore someone special could enter your life, or you have a wider adoring audience, a new friendship is possible and it is a time to concentrate on your goals, you have a great deal of personal power so use is wisely and you will never look back. Conversations and communications this year tend to revolve around family and friends, and although it is mostly posive and optimistic, there can be some sensitive or more serious topics, but on the whole it is a good productive year.
Love and Romance
Because Pluto is now moving through your relationship sector and sector of ‘others’, expect significant happenings in these areas, but because Pluto is in this zone for many years changes may not be imminent. Those looking for love desire a strong passionate type who fulfils them emotionally, but with Pluto there can be beginnings and endings, so be aware. Romance could come out of the blue this year, but it is unlikely to last long term, while those in a happy relationship find talking to each other is beneficial and healing. June is interesting for you, a holiday springs surprises, and there is a lot of love surrounding you, or you simply have a great time. In September there is romance and some happy interludes, and because Venus is in your sign, your words are sweet and compelling. From early November until mid December, you seek romance and pleasures, in December you are assured of some loving attention.
Work and Daily Routine
There is an emphasis on your work and routine this year and you get on well with others at work or in your daily round, however a sadness can interfere with your happy optimistic persona. There can be immense changes to deal with, or simply the surprising in your working life, this can be stressful for a Leo, but because you are naturally creative, you find ways to cope and come up smiling. January is significant for work and routine, emotions can be turbulent; you achieve a great deal in February, March, and April, and can give yourself a pat on the back, your creativity shines. In June your career or public life are centre stage, but there are challenges in the second week, you gain momentum later on. In October you feel very commited to your work and routine, but you need to take care of your health. From mid December the pace quickens and energy levels rise, Venus and Mars pair up bringing the rough with the smooth.