star signs star signs


Your Yearly Horoscope for 2025


There is an accent on your earnings, money matters in general, and your security. Work is lucrative and certain family members help you to feel secure in your everyday life, these matters bring a stronger sense of self worth, and talking to family and friends is therapeutic. Emotions can be strong concerning the above matters and many of you feel in a powerful position, but try not to let money burn a hole in your pocket if you want to stay solvent. You can be over optimistic sometimes, but you can also suffer with low moods due to feelings of loss or issues connected to your home or family; your aim is to be completely secure with less worries. Happiness for you lies in distant locations, it’s where most of you feel at home, but there are obstacles or changes that can prevent you fulfilling your yearnings or pursuing them as much as you would wish, also there may be changes in the lives of siblings or other relatives that impact on your need to enjoy yourself. From May until September Saturn joins Neptune enabling you to make a dream reality, for the rest of the year Saturn indicates the need for responsibility for your home and family which limits the joy factor in your life, inwardly you can feel burdened. To discover how Jupiter affects your life this year (see my blog). Uranus changes sign in July until early November, this change of sign throws a light on your close relationships and your dealings with others, ( see my section on love and romance ). Communicating and talking to friends and relatives is ultra important, they can help you with dilemmas and decisions, this is crucial to your daily life, there is also a need to address any health issue that may or may not crop up. Pluto now endows you with a powerful mindset, also it can bring important events concerning relatives, you delve deeply into matters and subconscious issues which rise to the surface to be discussed.

Love and Romance

You experience love this year through words and communications, you talk to each other about mutual plans and hopes. Singles could meet someone exciting, but be aware it may not be long term, this could take place at a distance or through a message, but searching online has it’s pitfalls, be careful. You feel much sympathy for your partner because they have a problem that affects the joy factor, however, with the journey of Jupiter, (see my blog), there is much to be happy about. Good times and romance are likely in February until late March, there is a lot of love, and from May – September you can make a dream come true, it fills you with pride and happiness. June is special and in July a close relationship is fulfilling, you enjoy the togetherness seeing a hope come to fruition. From July until November discussions and communications are relevant, this may be with relatives and much works out well. In December good times are the aim, you make them happen, romance is also on the agenda.

Work and Daily Routine

Communications and IT are a big part of your work which is important financially in order to realise your aims. You can feel low at times career wise and with other responsibilities in your life, but this is often offset by a strong sense of optimism which is your Sagittarian heritage, this is certainly the case in January. In April you experience powerful emotions about your routine and working life, in May and June changes are likely, but feelings of peace and harmony descend on your daily life and work, however there can be a sense of work versus relatives with an obstacle to be overcome. From the middle of June until early August you are working hard and enjoying your career and public life, changes are welcomed. In late September until mid October there is a surprise, and work is not problem. December is about fun for you and the family.