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Your Yearly Horoscope for 2025


Communications and how you communicate with others is very important this year. You will tend to be succinct in discussions, coming up with some bright ideas that are helpful to your relatives and friends. There is also a great deal of sensitivity and genuine concern, you feel for those you are close to, however there are changes or obstacles in your life that you don’t welcome. You are quite optimistic when it comes to your financial situation, but there can be depletion of resources possibly due to your spending, also there may be a need to watch out for scams. You can feel a little low at time about a certain situation that has been going on for a while, it can be linked to a family member, or the lack of something you need in your life, therefore it is harder to enjoy yourself, this won’t be the case forever, eventually you will shake off this phase and live. You are extremely busy either career wise or in a caring role and there can be changes in these areas either subtle or major. Because of Pluto’s journey through your zone of home and family, you will want a purge to get rid of all that is not essential to your life, inwardly you are ready for this even though emotionally it may be difficult, changes at this time are self engendered and you are owning your power. When it comes to the journey of Jupiter, (see my blog). As far as close relationships are concerned (see my section on love and romance). Relatives are extra important to you this year, and for every cloud that passes over your life, there is a silver lining, also moving home is a possibility for some of you. It’s a time to look after your own health as you are needed.

Love and Romance

Love this year has to fulful you emotionally, otherwise you simply don’t want to know. It can also develop from a friendship or be in the realms of fantasy, an attraction may come out of the blue. Because of the journey of Uranus a close relationship can be challenging, and if you are single you might prefer freedom or find yourself attracted to Aquarian types who are stimulating and zany; Uranus moves to your sector of deep emotions in July until early November, therefore a versatile and amusing person could attract you, also intimacy would be special and fulfilling. January brings lessons in a romantic sense and you can feel commited, February is special for love, but keep your feet on the ground. March continues the theme, and April is significant for close relationships, if you are happily attached, these months reflect love for your partner and children. June sees changes in your life, and something special happens in July, a romantic holiday may take place in August. November is surprising, and in December distances or someone special are on your mind.

Work and Daily Routine

Your working life is extremely busy this year, but there can be a situation of work versus your home life and caring, you will do whatever is necessary to you emotionally, and you will be commited whole heartedly whichever choice you make. Those in a career may have to deal with changes that they don’t necessarily like, the same goes for your daily routine, this is apparent in January, in February and March you are happier with your routine, taking changes in your stride. From mid April until mid June you are very busy with either work or caring, June is significant, and from late August until late September work or caring is done from the heart and changes sit well with you. In December much in your work and routine is to your satisfaction, you are optimistic about the future.